International Competitions And Assessments-icas
The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools or ICAS Assessments are online assessments, conducted by UNSW Global , designed to recognise and reward academic excellence.
ICAS recognises and rewards student achievement in areas such as English, Maths, Science, Spelling, Writing and Digital Technologies. The series of tests are designed to match and test skills that are learned in the school classroom.
The assessments are based on the curricula for the relevant year. Students are asked to demonstrate a deeper, integrated, and thorough level of learning. To ensure an engaging and beneficial experience for all students, new ICAS assessments are developed annually for each subject in every year level.
Students in over 20 countries including Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the United States participate in ICAS each year. Each test is sat at the student’s school and is invigilated by teachers under normal examination conditions.
Students who undertake the ICAS test are ranked based on their percentile in each year level across every participating state (Australia) and country
- Top 1% of students receive a High Distinction
- The next 10% of students receive a Distinction
- The following 25% of students receive a Credit
- All other students receive a Participation Certificate
- ICAS is a test that is used by schools and teachers to better understand what each student can and can’t do at a given point in time and to help track student progress from year to year.
- Additionally, it helps the child to understand the competitive testing and working under time constraints.
- ICAS provides a reporting system that is easy to use and gives the opportunity for parents to view their child’s individual results. This gives them insights into how their children are performing compared to their peers, locally, nationally and globally.
- All other students receive a Participation Certificate
For many children sitting ICAS exams can be a daunting experience. ICAS testing begins at Year 2. For many children at this age, it may be the first big examination they sit. Going into an exam under the spell of anxiety can hinder student performance resulting in unsatisfactory results. At Melbourne Tutorials, we strive to ensure that children have strong foundation in literacy and numeracy we work on the specific areas of reading comprehension, spellings, grammar, verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and writing( argumentative and narrative). The students also learn to work under time constraints by using various timesaving and mental strategies.